
The best run of Amsterdam Nieuw West

13 oktober 2024

Kantine AAC 2

The results can be found here and here.


It is special to report that all pre-sale numbers are sold out. We have almost 1,700 participants, making it the largest Sloterplas run ever.

There are only a few tickets left for the kids run. But other than that it’s over. Unfortunately for the people who wanted to wait until the last minute to register, but that is an extra reason to register in advance next year.

We’re sorry to anyone we have to disappoint!


General Information

Welcome to the Sloterplasloop! The annual running event around the Sloterplas in Amsterdam Nieuw-West.

Depending on the distance you walk;

– All the way around the Sloterplas (10 km and walking route)

– In the park on the west side of the Sloterplas (5 km)

– Round near the athletics track (kids run)

You can find the exact routes via Onderdelen.

 Register here!


Sloterplas uit de lucht

The program sunday 13 oktober 2024

08.30    opening late registration and collecting starting numbers
09.30    start walk (7,5 km)
10.00     start 1,5 km kidsrun
10.30     start 5 km
12.00     start 10 km

Registration fee        t/m 9 october      Late registration

1,5 km kidsrun                        € 4,00                         € 5,00

5 km                                          € 11,00                         € 13,00

10 km                                         € 13,50                        € 15,00

Walk                                           € 6,00                         € 7,00

Collect your starting number and late registration:

To enrol: You can register online up to an hour before your part. This is easiest at home behind the computer or on your smartphone, and saves a lot of waiting for late registration.

Saturday:  AIf you registered before Wednesday, you can pick up your number at Run2Day between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM (Overtoom 345-351). We recommend this in connection with the crowds on Sunday at late registration

Sunday: Starting numbers can be collected from 8:30 am at the Ookmeer Sports Hall: Dokter Meurerlaan 7, 1067 SM Amsterdam. There is also a fair in the sports hall for which entrance must be paid, so collecting numbers can only be done via the back entrance of the athletics hall.

T-shirts: Pre-ordered T-shirts can be picked up on Saturdays and Sundays. These can no longer be ordered on the day itself.

Late-registration: We also want to organize late-registration digitally as much as possible (up to half an hour before the start of the component) due to the digital processing of data and payments. Even if you come to do this at Run2Day or in the athletics hall of the Ookmeer sports hall.

Starting number and chip: The starting number also contains the chip, do not lose it along the way, otherwise the finish line will not record your time. You do not have to hand it in and therefore run no risk of incurring costs for loss.

Transport and parking

Due to the large numbers of participants, we recommend that everyone come by bicycle or public transport as much as possible. Parking is still free at the athletics track, but there is little space due to cars from surrounding neighborhoods.

More information on the contactpage

Wardrobe (at your own risk)

You can leave your belongings in a bag at the cloakroom. There is sometimes a queue just before the start, so don’t drop off too late.


We start exactly on time, so be at the right place on time. Check in advance where your start will take place, this varies depending on the distance.

Net times are used, so even if you are at the back of the line, the chip in your starting number measures the time from the moment you cross the starting line.

The 10km start has starting areas.

– The race runners are in the front section

– Behind this there is a starting area with (as much as possible) a pace maker for each expected end time.


At the finish your time will be recorded and shortly afterwards you will receive a reminder and you can get some water. Of course, other drinks are also available upstairs in the canteen.

Special locations on the track

The layout of the track is visible on the map below.

The canteen is immediately the entrance on the right. Here you can get coffee, tea, a sandwich, etc..

The bicycle racks are immediately left after the entrance.

The changing rooms are right next to the canteen

The first aid room is to the right of the changing rooms in front of the competition secretariat.

The stands are on the far right of the track.

The cloakroom is at the top left of the track.

Met medaille na afloop 2

Prices and final reminder

There is a reminder for every participant, made available by our sponsor Run2Day.

In the 1.5 km (kids run), there will each be a cup for the first 3 boys and girls, who are max. 12 years old at the time of participation.

The top three men and women in the 5 kilometers will receive a cup. And the best 3 boys and best 3 girls who are juniors according to the AU also receive a cup.

In the 10 km there is prize money for the first 3 men and women (€100, €75, €50 respectively), this is independent of age category. This prize money is made available by LEBO.

The first 3 runners per category in the 10 km also receive a cup. The categories are: up to 35 years, 35+, 45+ and 55+.

If there are fewer than five participants in a certain category, the organization will decide whether or not an awards ceremony will take place for this category.

Course record

The organization provides €100 for anyone who sets a new course record in the 10km. Course records only count if it concerns a gross time.

The current records for the 10 km are:
men, 29:53 Charles Soza (2004).
women, 35:44 Ilse Pol (2006).

The current records for the 5 km are:
men, 15:18 Ludo van Nieuwenhuizen (2022)
women, 17:33 Lois de la Mar (2022)

The Sloterplasloop has the following sponsors

                      Lebo                                       Run2Day                                      Brooks                                      Hotel MET

Brooks logo